Town Court

Town court is held at the community center on the third Tuesday of every month at 4:00 p.m. The city judge is Derek Green.

Englewood Court Clerk accepts credit/debit and electronic check payments for citations.

Englewood Court Clerk
(423)887-7224 or (423)887-7232 Phone
(423)887-7715 Fax

111 South Niota Road
Englewood, TN 37329

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 150


All traffic violations fines are $50. Court cost is $130.00

Any violations which occur in a school zone or active construction zone will automatically double the fine up to $100.00. For example a person clocked at 35 mph in a 20 mph school zone the fine would be $100.00 plus cost.

For more information Email the Englewood Court Clerk.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I reset my court date?
Yes, I can reset your court date once prior to your court date. If your need any more time it will have to be done by the judge on your next court date.

Do I still have to pay for my citation if i complete the driving school?
Yes, your fine and costs are still due to the city for your citation. Driving School is something that we offer to you, but is not affiliated with us. It is a option that you may or may not take.

Whom do I call if I need special assistance for court (ex: interpreter, disability,etc.)?
Local A.D.A. Coordinator Patty Gaines (423)745-1281.

What happens if I don't pay my citation on time?
I will be forced to suspend your driving privileges and/or possible warrants for your arrest may be issued.

Can I make Payments toward my fine and cost?
No we do not accept partial payments.

Can I pay the citation before court date?
Yes, you can pay your citation before court and do not have to appear unless you are asked otherwise by the officer whom wrote the citation.

Do I still have to pay court cost if I pay the citation before court?
Yes, cost is included in the amount of your fine and cost. example; If your fine and cost is $180.00 total $130.00 dollars of that is court cost which is our administrative and handling cost that our mayor board of commissioners have set. The other $50.00 is your fine.

How do I resolve my citation if it already went to the state?
First you will pay your fine and cost for the citation. Then I will give you a cash receipt and/or a (yellow) court action report receipt. You must have the (yellow) copy if you go to the Department of Safety. Last I will also send the state a court action report withdrawal form or submit online. Then you must contact the Department of Safety to see if you owe them anything such as a reinstatement fee or something. The number is (615) 741-3954 or 1-866-903-7357. The fax number is (615) 253-2094.

Where do I send the money for the citation and what form?
Our address is Town of Englewood P.O. Box 150 Englewood, TN. 37329. We prefer money orders or cashiers checks. We only accept cash if you come in our office to pay. Note* Any and all returned checks will result in immediate suspension. If not picked up within 10 days warrants will be issued.

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Town of Englewood | 111 South Niota Rd | P.O. Box 150 | Englewood, TN 37329
Office Hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Excluding Holidays and Weekends
Email the Town of Englewood | (423) 887-7224