
Think there is a problem with your bill?

If you think your bill is incorrect:

  • Look at your last bill and compare it to the current reading on your meter.
  • If the current reading is less than your bill then please call us.
  • If the reading is higher, look at the red triangle on the meter. If all the water in the house is off and the triangle is spinning you have a leak.

If you think you have a leak: If the house has a turn off at the outside of the house, turn it off and see if the triangle on the meter is still spinning. If the triangle is still spinning, the leak is on the service line that runs between the house and the meter. If not, the leak will be on a pipe, commode or a faucet. Don't forget to check your hot water heater. Any where water travels will need to be checked to find the leak.

Two things to remember: The meter can not read fast. A meter will only slow down it will not speed up. The only way a meter can turn is for the water to go through the meter and turn it. Also, if the meter is leaking on the city side, the water reading will not increase because the water will not be going through the meter.

For more information please Read the Policies & Procedures.


Water Quality

Water Rate:

Tap Fees $750.00 - 3/4" Meter
$750.00 - 1" Meter +10%
$750.00 - 2" Meter+10%
$900.00 - 4" Meter+10%
Bore $250.00
Deposit $150.00
Total Customers 1,431
Inside City 608
Outside City 823
Meters larger than 3/4 are cost plus 10%

Minimum Charge (Inside City)
First 2,500 Gallons $11.76 (3/4" Meter)
$37.54 (2" Meter)
$127.22 (4" Meter)
All Over 2,500 Gallons $5.47 Per 1,000 Gallons
Minimum Charge (Outside City)
First 2,500 Gallons $23.52 (3/4" Meter)
$75.08 (2" Meter)
$254.44 (4" Meter)
All Over 2,500 Gallons $10.95 Per 1,000 Gallons
Commercial Rate Minimum Charge
First 2,500 Gallons $36.33
All Over 2,500 Gallons $20.73 Per 1,000 Gallons
Sewer Rate
Tap Fees Cost Plus 10%
Total Number of Customers 593 Rate
Schedule 140% of Water Rate
First 2,500 Gallons $16.46 (3/4" Meter)
  $52.55 (2" Meter)
  $178.12 (4" Meter)
All Over 2,500 $7.66 Per 1,000 Gallons

Payment Information

Payment is due on 10th of each month. If the 10th falls on a weekend or a holiday. Payment is due by Noon the following business day without a penalty.

Equal payment plans are based on the last twelve months average. You may sign up for the equal payment plan by June 30th of each year.

Need Energy Assistance?

Southeast Tennessee Human Resource Agency (SETHRA) may be able to help. SETHRA provides public transportation, emergency rent, utility assistance, weatherization assistance, low income heat assistance, commodities and emergency aid as funding permits. The transportation is provided to the public regardless of their income. All other services are designed for low income households. SETHRA is state and federally funded. Visit the SETHRA Website.


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Photo Gallery Map & Directions Online Bill Pay

Town of Englewood | 111 South Niota Rd | P.O. Box 150 | Englewood, TN 37329
Office Hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Excluding Holidays and Weekends
Email the Town of Englewood | (423) 887-7224