Wastewater Rate:
First 2,500 Gallons |
$13.31 3/4" Meter Only |
Rate Schedule |
140% of Water Rate |
Tap Fees |
cost plus 10% |

Payment Information:
Payment is due on 10th of each month. If the 10th falls on a weekend or a holiday. Payment is due by Noon the following business day without a penalty.
Equal payment plans are based on the last twelve months average. You may sign up for the equal payment plan by June 30th of each year.

Need Energy Assistance?
Southeast Tennessee Human Resource Agency (SETHRA) may be able to help. SETHRA provides public transportation, emergency rent, utility assistance, weatherization assistance, low income heat assistance, commodities and emergency aid as funding permits. The transportation is provided to the public regardless of their income. All other services are designed for low income households. SETHRA is state and federally funded. Visit the SETHRA Website.
Upcoming Events
October 8, 2013
McMinn County Clerks will be at the Englewood Community Center
from 9:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. to perform registrations and tag renewals
October 14, 2013
Board of Commissioners Meeting at the Municipal Building, at 107 Carroll Street, 6:00 p.m.
November 4, 2013
Planning Commission Meeting at the Municipal Building, at 107 Carroll Street, 5:00 p.m.
>See All Upcoming Events |