Mayor & Board

The board of Commissioners meet every second Monday of the month at the Municipal Building, at 107 Carroll Street, at 6:00 p.m.
>Meeting Agendas | >Meeting Minutes

Mayor Tony Hawn
Tony Hawn
Alan Phillips, Vice Mayor
Alan Phillips
Jerry Shirk, Councilman
Jerry Shirk
Wes Atwell, Councilman
Wes Atwell
Jamie Moses, Town Manager
Jamie Moses
Town Manager
Sondra Denton, Town Recorder
Sondra Denton
Nicole Johnson, City Recorder
Nicole Johnson
City Recorder
Angie Napier, Court Clerk
Angie Napier
Court Clerk

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Town of Englewood | 111 South Niota Rd | P.O. Box 150 | Englewood, TN 37329
Office Hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Excluding Holidays and Weekends
Email the Town of Englewood | (423) 887-7224